Benefits to Your Mental Health When Skydiving

By Skydive Geronimo Sep 01, 2022

Jumping out of a plane releases a cocktail of positive emotions, but did you know that skydiving can actually benefit your mental health long after you’ve landed back on terra firma?

We know it releases performance-enhancing chemicals such as adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine which are a natural upper and which give us an immediate boost, but skydiving can also have a number of longer-term benefits.

Why Skydiving Is Good for Your Mental Wellbeing

Skydiving is often regarded as a physical experience. In other words, people see it in terms of the actual act of jumping out of a plane, freefalling and then floating back down to earth – but it’s much more than that. It’s awesome on so many levels, and there are many reasons to go skydiving, but for now let’s focus on the mental, emotional and psychological benefits it offers.

1. Skydiving Improves Stress Management

Stress is a powerful influence on our lives – most often in a negative way. It’s there every day, testing our mettle and often compromising our ability to make good decisions. Many people feel overwhelmed by stress and it can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and uncertainty.
Learning how to handle stress and cope under pressure can be a lifesaver, literally and metaphorically. When we learn how to respond more effectively to stress, we become more tenacious and can see things in a clearer, more rational light.

Skydiving is one way of teaching your mind and body how to react to stress in a positive way. It’s been described as a cognitive training ground where participants learn that they don’t have to react impulsively to stress.

Skydiving can teach us that our own minds can be our best coping mechanism against stress and that there’s no need to resort to other crutches. We know that chronic stress can wreak havoc on a person’s mind and body, so why not set yourself free and freefall from an aeroplane?

2. Skydiving Boosts Self-Confidence

Skydiving can be a life-changing moment of self-actualisation when people realise that they CAN actually overcome their nerves and fears and achieve what they thought was impossible. It’s psychologically rewarding and it gives people a tangible reminder of their ability to face their fears and meet a daunting challenge head-on. Skydiving is a real confidence booster, and if someone is ever feeling a little unsure of themselves or their abilities, they can always refer back to the fact that they were able to go where others fear to tread.

Navigating your path through something scary and unknown will give you a fresh perspective on your capabilities. The realisation that you CAN do things in the face of adversity can have a positive effect on your life journey – and jumping out of a plane is a great way of setting this in motion.

3. Skydiving Focuses Your Attention on Situational Awareness

The mental gymnastics required for skydiving can sharpen your skills as you go through life. It requires attention to detail, peripheral awareness, good reaction times and if you’re doing a tandem jump for the first time, good listening skills. As you hone your skills preparing for a jump and while you’re in the air, you’ll find those skills improve in your daily life too.

4. Skydiving Is a Mood-Enhancer

The thrill of jumping out of a plane is an immediate pick-me-up and your feelings of euphoria, optimism and excitement will improve your mood as well as lift the spirits of those around you. And if you look at the skydiving community around you, you’ll quickly sense the camaraderie, the ‘mateship’ and the overall upbeat mood that exists among those who regularly fly high.

5. Skydiving Demonstrates the Power of Mindfulness

There’s increasing evidence that mindfulness is a key element in stress reduction and overall happiness. It can lead to improved overall wellbeing and mental clarity as well as increased emotional regulation and stronger relationships.

When you skydive, your attention is focused on the present and nothing else exists in that moment. That experience can teach us about mindfulness, about purposely focusing our attention on the present moment and being able to accept it without judgement.

6. Skydiving Can Improve Communication Skills

When a group is planning a skydive, communications need to be clear and unambiguous. Skydivers need to be able to articulate their vision, strategise and work together to make it happen and the communication skills that come into play can be equally important in other areas of life. Teamwork, negotiation, problem-solving and empathy are other important life skills in the skydiving community which are hugely beneficial in daily life away from the airfield too.

A last word on the mental health benefits of skydiving.

There’s nothing as thrilling or as liberating as floating above the earth and there’s little doubt that the psychological benefits of skydiving are real.

Keen to give your mental health a boost? Sign up with Skydive Geronimo and experience the life-changing awesomeness of skydiving for yourself. We offer Australia’s best beach skydives (trust us, there’s nowhere better to experience aerial magnificence than skydiving at Rottnest Island) and you won’t just have the best experience and lifetime memories, you’ll get a major boost to your mental health and strength too.

Book your Rottnest skydive here or get in touch with our friendly team if you want to find out more about our prices and package deals.

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